Wednesday, March 25, 2020

COVID19: March 25, 2020 - The Gift of Laughter

Every day at noon I meet with a group of people on Zoom to check in and pray together. A core group returns daily, and others join us when they’re able. Sometimes our meetings are somber; other times, they’re full of hope. We've formed a community that's getting me through the social isolation. Each day, I’m more grateful for their companionship. 

Today, when we were praying, it all started out good. We were naming prayer concerns before God. And then, one of our members who shall go unnamed (no, it was not me, but it easily could have been), said, “Lord, we pray for all those people who are going to work every day and exposing themselves.”

There was silence. I wondered if anyone else heard what I heard, and I couldn’t resist. “…to germs. Exposing themselves to germs, right?”

She realized what she had said and covered her face with her hands as we all laughed. (I was relieved when I saw she was laughing with us.)

It felt so good to laugh together today. We couldn’t get back to praying after that, but I’m sure God enjoyed hearing our laughter, maybe even more than our prayers.

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