Saturday, April 11, 2020

COVID19: April 11, 2020 - A Pastor's Easter Prayer

Each year I gather with your people at Easter:
those who trust me with their stories, and those who honor me with their tears;
those who hassle me, and those who humble me;
those I challenge, and those who challenge me more;
those who dare to follow me to unexpected places, and those who forgive me when I fail—
all beloved by you, all beloved by me.

From their stiff, wooden pews they morph into a
mass of greeting hands, kind smiles, sparkling eyes,
as their separate silence is shattered by Alleluias,
bells, choirs, trumpets, timpani, organ, a multiplicity of voices.
This is our time of glorious transcendence.

We revel in the resplendent glory of your risen Son.
For a transitory, ascendant moment we grow wispy wings,
the roof melts away,
and we soar into the sky above us.
O, how I delight in soaring with your people on Easter!

And yet, this year we will not gather 
to sing, listen, touch, eat and drink.
Can this really be Easter
without altar guild, ushers or acolytes,
without flowers in the windows,
without the flame of a paschal candle,
without bread and wine,
without a cross moving from the back of the nave to its rightful place before an eager assembly of the faithful?

Can this really be Easter as I watch myself on a small screen announcing to whoever cares to tune in that Christ is risen,
while I chomp on Raisin Bran, pajama-clad, my only company Father Guido Sarducci the cat, nestled in my lap?

Can I approach this emptiness like the women who came to the tomb?
Can I receive the news that things are not always as they seem,
that from death, you bring new life?
Can I recognize that you are always transforming your people,
like the disciples on the first Easter,
hunkered down behind locked doors,
unaware of the life and freedom that was about to find them?

Can I trust that I’m not alone,
that my community is with me even when I can’t see them?
That your living presence is with us all,
beyond any of the usual grandiose ways I have celebrated Easters past?
But never needed.
Until today.

Christ is risen!
Here is my strength,
my joy,
my hope.

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