Monday, June 13, 2022

My Brush with an Emmy Award

Today, this headline popped up in my newsfeed: “Band of Brothers Struck Gold at the Emmy Awards 20 Years Ago.” And suddenly, I was sitting at my desk one evening in Charlotte, North Carolina. No one else was around, the phone range, and I picked up. It was a random man with an even randomer question.

He introduced himself as Erik somebody and told me he was working on the screenplay for a series called “Band of Brothers” coming to HBO. He explained a bit about the plot, that it was something about World War 2. But when he mentioned the name Steven Spielberg, I was suspicious. I mean, if someone were going to prank me about writing a screenplay, wouldn’t they mention Steven Spielberg? Of course they would.

Erik Somebody explained that he was one of many writers who were working on this project. And then he finally got to his question. He was writing a scene that took place at a graveside. The person being buried was a Lutheran, so he needed to know the wording. What exactly would a Lutheran pastor say at the graveside?

Okay. Maybe this was legit. But is this really how people research screenplays for bigtime shows on HBO? Do they just open the phone book, go to Lutheran Churches, and start calling? (Yes, people were still using phone books back then, and I was serving at Advent Lutheran Church, so we were at the top of the alphabetical listing and got a lot of strange phone calls.)

Rather than hang up on him, I decided to play along. I pulled out my Lutheran Book of Worship and read some pastoral graveside verbiage to Erik. He thanked me and that was that.

But then, after he hung up, I realized I hadn’t given him the correct information. I gave him the words I would say at a graveside, but this scene took place during World War 2. That was two service books ago! I quickly searched my bookshelves for the old black hymnal that would have been used back then and called Erik back. After I explained my error and gave him the correct wording that would have been used in the 40s, again, he thanked me, and again, that was that.

I was relieved when I finally learned that Erik hadn't been pulling my leg. There really was a series coming to HBO called, "Band of Brothers" and Steven Spielberg was involved. When it aired, I watched it intently, waiting to see my contribution, but it never happened. It must have ended up on the cutting room floor… if it even got that far.

So, I didn’t win an Emmy. And my contribution was a small one. And it wasn’t even used. But still, it’s the closest I’ll ever get to an Emmy and I’ll take it. I accept this non-award on behalf of the Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church and the telephone book, both now obsolete but not forgotten.

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